Aquascape of the Month October: "Little Green Hill"

My name is Vladimir Rastovac. I’m 26 years old and a graduate student of Fire Protection and Awareness School, which means I will soon be a fireman in town whe...

Aquascape of the Month: February Anti crisis tank - “Lemuria Parça”

I love animals and especially fish. I have always kept fish and other aquatic animals, as a child I spent most of my free time stuck in canals, ditches and lake...


,合作店铺:香港热带雨林、南京易格自然EcoecHo地址:旺角通菜街152號Green Concept閣樓展示廳 ...


作者:CAICAI,作品名称《盘根丛生》,IAPLC2014.NO34[水景尺寸] W: 90 x D: 45 x H: 45 (cm)[水生植物] 垂泪MOSS、松茸MOSS、柳条MOSS、绿球藻...